8500 W. Cold Spring Road ~ Greenfield, WI 53228

Volunteer at Kinship Community Food Center

We serve one another by growing, cooking, and sharing healthy food together. When we share in each other's struggles and joys, our messy, beautiful lives can really bloom. This recipe for kinship enriches our lives and dissolves barriers that divide us. Join us.

[Source: Volunteer – Kinship Community Food Center]

Who Is Served? Many.

Many shoppers come through our doors every week. We aim to restore the dignity of those who are most marginalized in our society. Even if you have little in material goods, you still have something incredibly important to give to others.

  • Children: 1/3 are children, roughly 70% from single parent households.
  • Those on a Fixed Income: One quarter are socially-isolated, elderly, veterans, or those with a disability.
  • Under-Employed Adults: Roughly 2/3 of families are underemployed with an average monthly income of $1,300 per month.
  • Those in Crisis: Homeless or those suffering mental illness and/or addiction.

[Source: Our Community -- Kinship Community Food Center]

Who Is Called To Serve? Everyone.

Our volunteers are from all over the broader Milwaukee community. Though many volunteers come through our doors looking to help, our community reminds them that they are also in need. We aim to create a space for relationships to flourish so that our volunteers may receive something life changing. The goal is for our volunteers to see themselves in kinship with our shoppers. In this, the giver becomes the receiver.

  • Children: We are inspired by the many children who volunteer and run lemonade stands, guitar concerts, and birthday food drives to support our mission!
  • Churches & Schools: Six years ago, the senior class of Whitefish Bay High School was so inspired by their volunteer work, they started a food drive that annually raises over 7,000 pounds of food!
  • Corporations & Groups: Corporations, local businesses, and small groups often volunteer, start food drives, or begin fundraisers to help support their neighbors.
  • And so many more! From college students to families … everyone is welcome! Interested in encountering our community and being transformed? Join us!

[Source: Our Community -- Kinship Community Food Center]

How Do You Serve? Transformation.  

Together, we can change the way we address hunger in our city. Our work and our mission changes lives and have a lasting impact on our community. When we dare to enter the mess of each other’s lives through community, a transformation starts to occur within our hearts, our neighborhoods, and the city at-large.

We welcome all people to journey deeper with us, to be involved, and discover new growth within themselves and one another.

The journey looks different for each of us.

Whether someone from our neighborhood comes once, or comes a thousand times, our programs and wholistic approach have a tremendous impact on lives in our community -- shopper, donor, and volunteer alike.

This new approach is a dynamic response to our community’s desire for deeper kinship, greater wellness programming, and expanded support to advocate for housing and employment stability. It empowers residents to create nourishment, belonging, and prosperity in low-income communities through the power of food. It draws people from all cultural and socio-economic backgrounds into a deeper community of mutuality

Developed alongside a growing network of innovative hunger organizations across the United States and Canada, our model addresses the wellness of a community by using food as an entry point for change

At Kinship Community Food Center, the relationships that happen around food have the power to transform our lives as individuals and as a community. 

Only around a common table can we begin to dissolve the barriers that divide our city as we seek lasting, sustainable ways of helping one another flourish in both body and spirit.

[Source: Our Approach -- Kinship Community Food Center]

Let's make a difference together! Join St. John the Evangelist Parish on one of our upcoming outings to Kinship Community Food Center. We'll start with a prayer service before heading out, then we'll gather for fellowship and sharing afterwards. Bring the whole family, a group of friends, or just yourself! It's a great opportunity to give back to the community and have fun while building fellowship. To sign up, please fill out the form below. We'll be in touch with more details.

Volunteer With Us At Kinship Community Food Center

We'll be putting together an outing very soon. Please fill out this form to receive updates when they become available. Thank you!


How To Find Kinship Community Food Center

Click here to visit Kinship Community Food Center's website.

Parking: Monday through Friday is street parking only. For Tuesday and Saturday operations, please enter on the doors facing Weil St. Head down the stairs and we’ll meet you down there! On Fridays, please enter through the doors in the alleyway on E Clarke St. Walk downstairs and we’ll meet you there!

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