8500 W. Cold Spring Road ~ Greenfield, WI 53228



"Christ needs priests who are mature, virile, capable of cultivating an authentic spiritual paternity. For this to happen, priests need to be honest with themselves, open with their spiritual director and trusting in divine mercy." ~Pope Benedict XVI

How do I know I have a vocation?

A vocation to the priesthood is a response to the love of God in one's life.  It is also a life of self-sacrifice that is aimed to restore and recover a love of God in the world. The signs in a man that indicate a possible vocation to the priesthood include the following:

  • Love of God - You strive to know and love God more everyday.
  • Love of neighbor - You desire to bring God's love and grace to the world for the salvation of souls.
  • Attracted to the priesthood - You have an interior attraction to the priesthood. There is a certain sense of joy and peace when you contemplates yourself living as a priest.
  • A willingness to serve the Lord as His priest - The willingness to be a priest is already an excellent sign that the Lord wants you to be a priest.
  • A generous heart and a willingness to sacrifice.
  • Human Requirements - You are physically, intellectually, and psychologically capable of living the priestly life.

What More Can I do?

  • Be Quiet in order to hear the Lord's voice calling. Take time to pray and meditate in silence about your vocation, especially in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Find a Spiritual Director -- somebody you can be open with -- who can help you to develop your relationship with God and to know yourself better.
  • Get in Touch with Father Luke Strand, Vocation Director. Speaking with a vocation director does not mean you must become a priest, but rather allows you to learn more about the priesthood. Read up on religious and priestly life
  • Participate in retreats and discernment groups
  • Wait for the Lord.. God's timing is always perfect -- but seldom seems soon enough!

To come to a clearer understanding of signs God may be placing in your life, a program of prayer is of great value. This consists of the following:

  • Daily mental prayer in the morning and the evening
  • Frequent participation at Mass and receiving Holy Communion in addition to Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
  • Regular confession in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Monthly direction from a priest spiritual director
  • Daily spiritual reading to nourish faith and inspire you to live a life committed to Christ
  • Developing a relationship with Our Lady through the rosary and entrusting your vocation to her maternal care


Vocations Office

Saint Francis Seminary/ Kiley Hall

      3257 S. Lake Drive

      St. Francis, WI 53235

Telephone: (414) 747-6437

FAX: (414) 747-6442