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Friday: 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
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Gospel Reflection
September 15, 2024
Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This morning, I received a text message that a member of my extended family would likely die of cancer within the next few hours. His name is Luke. He is a 45-year-old husband and father of six. Though I am not as close to him as my sister (she is his sister-in-law and knows him well), I wonder how we, including Luke himself, manage such a terribly awful and unfair situation.
The words of this Sunday’s Gospel offer a powerful and challenging path. Jesus says, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Today, I see with new freshness the starkness and strangeness of the words take up. The cross stands for suffering, which is unjust, absurd, seemingly hopeless, and humiliating. Jesus doesn’t say “accept” or “endure” or “tolerate,” but “take up.” Embrace it actively. Choose it and lift it up for others to see what terrifies and sickens us. But somehow, for Jesus, this is the path to “saving one's life.” A new world is breaking in, one in which love is everything when no relationship can be wounded or die. I trust that in the embraced suffering of Luke and his loved ones, Jesus is taking up his cross and saving us all.
By the time you read this, barring a miracle, Luke will have died. He will no longer be carrying his cross. But we all still face suffering. This week, let’s not just endure but take up our crosses, big and small. That’s our only hope for saving our lives.
Love One Another Catholic Campaign
In the Summer of 2021, we entered the pilot wave of the Archdiocesan campaign, "Love One Another." Below is a video we produced to present some of our case elements. For a more detailed description of our case elements, or if you want to donate, please click here.
St. John the Evangelist is a Roman Catholic Eucharistic community faithful to the values and traditions of the Church. We strive to live our faith every day, to embrace stewardship, and to be nurtured by continuous Christian Formation.