8500 W. Cold Spring Road ~ Greenfield, WI 53228


"Each one has received a gift; use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." - 1 Peter 4:10

What do we DO after we say we BELIEVE?

Often times when we hear the word “Stewardship,” we associate it with money. Stewardship is more than money. It is more than the concept of giving of our time, talents, and financial resources. Stewardship is a Way of Life. It is recognizing that ALL we have is a gift from God, and because we are SO grateful for what we have received, we freely share those gifts with others.

Below you will find our Parish & Ministry Guide; please use this Guide to discern where God is calling you to serve.

2023-24 Parish & Ministry Guide

2023-24 Time & Talent Pledge Form